Similarities Between Maya Angelou And Odysseus

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“We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated,” (Maya Angelou). Angelou is trying to say to the world that terrible things will happen in a person’s life, but life will move on. She is the living proof. In The Odyssey, the main character, Odysseus is a 3,000 year old Greek hero. Odysseus must go on many journeys to return back to his home and his wife. He was ruthless and fought for what he wanted, no matter the amount of bloodshed. Although what he did in the ancient times was considered “heroic”, someone else is more qualified to be a hero than Odysseus. And this person is Maya Angelou. Maya Angelou was an American author, poet, and civil rights activist. She was able to withstand the aftermath of rape and racial persecution. …show more content…

Throughout her life, Maya Angelou was able to inspire many people by her words and experiences. She fought for what she wanted and what others wanted. She is the epitome of the best characteristics a person can have. She has been through trials and tribulations, laughter and tears, victories and defeat, and she was able to move past it all. She was able to overcome obstacles that others would have given up. She was fighting until her breath. She inspired so many. Maya Angelou said, “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” In comparison, Odysseus was not an inspiration to people. He did not inspire people to do great things. He demonstrated atrocious acts that are inhuman, in most people’s eyes. He killed hundreds of people and was a horrible person, amongst other things. Kalypso speaks to Odysseus: ‘What a dog you are! And not for nothing learned, having a wit to ask this thing of me! My witness then be earth and sky and dripping Styx that I swear by - the gay gods cannot swear more seriously - I have no further spells to work against you.’ (Homer 86) To analyze, Maya Angelou did more things to inspire other people than Odysseus did. He was brutal and unfaithful and disgusting. Maya was kind to everyone and spoke the truth. She touched more hearts than a cold-blooded

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