Similarities Between Liberty And Equality

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Almost all countries have a document that sets them apart from all of the others. A document where they state what their countries beliefs are, their laws everyone has to follow and many more things too such as what each person is entitled to as a citizen and what rights that citizen has. Most countries have one of these and they are likely called a Declaration of Independence, this document is the law of the land that everyone has to follow. While most countries have a lot of similarities there are also a few differences that set everyone apart, such as how countries define liberty and equality. A majority of all these countries have formulated a Declaration of Independence to set their freedom from whoever is controlling them. For example, …show more content…

One of the greatest examples of liberty and equality comes from the Haitian territory Saint-Domingue. In title three of Saint-Domingue’s constitution states that “Art. 3. - There cannot exist slaves on this territory, servitude is therein forever abolished. All men are born, live and die free and French. Art. 4. – All men, regardless of color, are eligible to all employment. Art. 5. – There shall exist no distinction other than those based on virtue and talent, and other superiority afforded by law in the exercise of a public function. The law is the same for all whether in punishment or in protection. ” This is the greatest example of liberty and equality because not only does it state what they want and how they want it, they also make it very clear that they are not going to change their ways as slavery is highly frowned upon and everyone is to be given a job no matter who they are or where they came from. Then there’s the actual country of Haiti themselves that in their Declaration they blatantly state, we don’t like France you need to leave our country! If that doesn’t stand for liberty, then what does? Haiti also would like to gain equality from France also as the fear they are “the prey of these vultures.

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