Similarities Between Japan And Germany

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The similarities of Japan and Germany at first glance may seem to be parallel, such as ideologies in race superiority and racism; however, several aspects of the nations could not have been more different. This essay is going to compare the roles of the two Nations during the War. Further, this essay is going to describe aspects of aggression that are fundamentally similar and fundamentally different. Ultimately, Japan and Germany allied together with Italy to create the Axis Powers and in doing so waged the most devastating war the world had ever seen. Germany, prior to the onset of World War II, was still recovering from The Great War. With that, there was a sense of disgrace, and an overwhelming war debt as outlined by the Treaty of Versailles. While this left the German people uneasy, …show more content…

Further, the crisis was far worse than Germany and was exacerbated by tariffs imposed by the United States and the ongoing isolationism. These tariffs also helped to spread the idea that the rest of the world was attempting to slow industrial expansion in Japan. This in turn created ideas of race superiority in Japan and the belief that Americans and Europeans were the enemy who did not wat to see Japan thrive. Like Germany, some in Japan had a superior race mentality; however, the lack of resources spurred Japan to make land grabs in China and Korea. Also, Japan was becoming overpopulated and required more land to spread the population over. In conclusion, both Japan and Germany sought to expand their boundaries by invading and colonizing neighboring nations. However, Japan did this to support an expanding population with resources and prove that a non-white nation could thrive. Whereas, Hitler convinced Germany that expanding boundaries was owed to the German people and that the humiliation from the Great War was caused by the Jewish

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