Similarities Between Janie And The Great Gatsby

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Does anyone really know when they will find there one and only and do anything to keep that moment? Gatsby and Janie had to go through some difficult times to see what faith had in store for them. In both stories the one that got closest to their American dream would be janie, she wanted to find love and happiness and she found that with Tea Cake, Gatsby wanted to be with Daisy but couldn't because faith decided different. Both looking for love as their American dream but unfortunately only one got the closest.
Janie wanted to find love but she wanted love from someone of her choice not nanny’s. Her American Dream was to be happy she didn't want to be rich or The mayor's wife but having to go through 3 marriages was worth her happiness.Gatsby …show more content…

It would seem that Gatsby would get his dream come true because he already had it all, money,satise and a good home. Both gatsby and janie weren't satisfied where they stood in there life for several reasons. Janie didn't like to be told what to do because she didn't find it a marriage when the woman and man weren't in love. Janie was forced to marry Logan by Nanny because he had land and his name was clean in the town, but janie didn't care about that she wanted love, and couldn't find an old man that could almost be her grandpa attractive. After she had enough janie left him and went run off with a new man named …show more content…

Gatsby had money and his social status was out of the charts for a man that was once poor, yet he wanted more. Maybe F. Scott Fitzgerald wants us to be satisfied with what we have. Unlike for janie she become the mayor's wife and was happy for a while but after a while she didn't have the equality she wanted. Janie removed her hair rag as a symbol of she being free from Jody. after Jody died janie met another guys named tea Cake and seemed to have it all at the moment. Tea Cake kept her happy and gave her the love life she wanted, Tea Cake and janie ran away and she seemed really happy and proud of the decision she

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