Similarities Between Graffiti And Calligraphy

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In the world have religion, art and culture in different cultures around the world each that defines us on who we are and why we do it. Like in art there are people who are artists and like to inspire themselves so that they can create the most wonderful art they can. Most of the artists use their emotions when they create art so that they can a wonderful meaning to it in the picture. They also portray a message in their painting so it leaves the person thinking what is the painting trying to say. There is also a goddess that became well known through a video and the goddess name is Santoshi Ma. People have been worshiping her more and more and the goddess has taken the temples of previous goddesses. There is also calligraphy which people think …show more content…

Seyyed Hossein explains “The letters, words, and verses of the Quran are not just elements of a written language but beings and personalities for which the calligraphic form is the physical and visual vessel.” (p.89) What Hossein is trying to explain to us is the words from the calligraphy have this special way of form that it looks like each letter has a personality of its own which gives it a special meaning to each word of the calligraphy. S. Brent Plate talks about how the graffiti and calligraphy have similarities on how it looks like and what do the words mean to each of us when we see it. When Brent …show more content…

The words also have this form of mixing with each other that gives it a special from to the way it looks for both arts. Calligraphy also has this special meaning because they say writing words last longer than saying them. When Brent says “Another metaphor of calligraphy is that “writing is the tongue of the hand.””(p.92) The reason they say this is because they think that written words last longer than saying it. When you say something it only last for a short time compared to something that is written that lasts for a long time and it can be read again and

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