Similarities Between Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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Fantasizing is like to travel into your own little world where everything goes the way you want it to, except for when it doesn’t. Sometimes people just need to take a break from life. The book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty directed by Ben Stiller and the book Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli all demonstrate different examples of characters who escape the real world, but have positive and negative consequences which is why we need to know why, how and when is it okay to escape the real world. In the book the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll escapes through Hyde. Jekyll first realizes he can change into Hyde whenever he wants to by drinking …show more content…

This change secondly has some positive effects for Jekyll. The book reads, Edward Hyde alone in the ranks of pure evil. ( Stevenson 69 ). This portrays that, Hyde is an evil, creepy and scary guy while Jekyll is an educated, good old guy which is why Jekyll feels awful about Hydes bad nature. The switch lastly has some very negative effects on Jekyll as well. The books states, he would even make haste to undo the evil done by Hyde. And thus his conscience slumbered (Stevenson 71). This demonstrates that, when he turns back into Jekyll he feels guilty about what Hyde has done, for example like when he mercilessly murdered Sir Danvers Carew. Just like the book the poem states, and you can bear to hear the truth you’ve …show more content…

This concludes that Mitty fantasizes whenever he feels like it and one theory is that Mitty imagines himself doing cool things because his life is so boring because he works for a magazine called Life as the negative assets manager. Secondly, Mitty's imagination isn’t always a good thing. In the movie, he is imagining himself fighting his boss but his boss makes fun of him for doing so (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty). This illustrates that, his imagination comes with pros and cons and this is a really big con because people think he’s weird. Some good finally does come out of his fantasizing. The movie states that Mitty imagines himself having and fight with his boss, Todd Mahar (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty). This establishes he can imagine himself doing dangerous things since his life is so boring because when he goes to greenland and Iceland and climbs up the Himalayas he stops zoning out . The poem If by Rudyard Kipling is similar to this because it states, if you can dream and not make dreams your master. In the book Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli, Jeffrey Lionel Magee solves his problems in a different way than Mitty and

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