Similarities Between Bud And Rudyard Kipling

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Bud from the novel Bud, Not Buddy and Rudyard Kipling the author of the poem “If” both have similar rules to live by. Bud and Rudyard Kipling have rules dealing with lies. In “If” Rudyard Kipling wants his son to not deal with lies. In the poem “If” stanza 1 line 6 it says,”Or being lied about don’t deal in lies.” In Bud, Not Buddy, Bud tells lies to keep himself from getting caught. In Bud, Not Buddy, page 11 it says,“If you got to tell a lie, make sure it’s simple and easy to remember.” This shows that Rudyard Kipling’s rule means not to deal with lies unlike Bud, his rule means that when you got to lie make it easy to remember. In conclusion, Rudyard Kipling the author of the poem “If” and Bud the main character from the novel

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