Silent Spring By Rachel Carson Summary

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I am writing to you today about the the dyer need for reform within the United State’s Chemical industry. The chemical industry needs more regulation and lacks restrictions that protect mankind from toxicity. Three reasons why there is a need for change is one, unregulated harmful pesticides are bad for the planet. Secondly, toxic chemicals hurt mankind. And lastly, it is apparent that there is a trend within the chemical production system that postpones planes that apply restrictions to certain chemicals being produced. The esteemed Marine Biologist Rachel Carson, sheds light on the loopholes within the chemical production industry during her time, in her essay titled, Silent Spring. Rachel Carson an expert in her field, reveals the loopholes within the chemical production industry during her time. Our author begins by describing an untouched and rich landscape full of greenery and wildlife, not unlike the Garden of Eden. However, as the land becomes populated and soon overrun by mankind it loses its beauty. …show more content…

Many of these chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides, have many harmful attributes. But because there are limited restrictions on the production and use of them mankind as well as our one and only earth is being exposed to toxic chemicals. These toxic chemicals often used in agriculture sink into our soil and are sprayed onto the food that we consume. These chemicals are also designed to kill off certain insects that are detrimental many ecosystems. An article written by senior scientist Richard Denison Ph.D. from the Environmentalist Defense Fund. Denison writes about the plan that was passed by the TSCA in 2016 because many stakeholders agreed that the US needed a firmer federal chemical system. However, 18 months later in December 2017 the EPA backburnered the proposed restrictions on uses of three highly toxic

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