Silence Of The Lambs Personal Statement Examples

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At age eleven I asked my mother if I could watch The Silence of the Lambs, whose VHS case synopsis promised the most exciting psychological thriller of the century. She unequivocally refused, so naturally, I went behind her back and watched it anyway. The movie scared the bejeezus out of me, but afterward I knew that I wanted to be FBI profiler Agent Starling when I grew up. Years later I would realize that my interest was not in chasing serial killers for the FBI, but in understanding how roughly 85 billion neurons in a three-pound organ dictate how one comes to be Buffalo Bill the serial killer and not Bill the tax accountant. My tenacious question of how drove me through both undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology. It drives me now to become a contributor to the body of cognitive research, not simply a consumer. I intend to begin that contribution next fall at the University of Minnesota, with the ultimate goal of attaining a research and teaching position at a university. Just as Bill Nye …show more content…

My introduction to research was facilitated in 2010 by Dr. Ben Faber, facilitated my introduction to research in 2010, for whom I assisted in research on stress responses in situational decision making. At the 2016 Pottle Research Presentation, I was awarded third place for my research on synthetic cathinones and their neurological and legal implications. I have designed and conducted research on the creation of false memory, and prepared a grant proposal for more intensive research on the neural correlates of deception, truth, and false memory in eyewitnesses to crimes. The corresponding research paper has been used as material in the University of Texas at Tyler’s Topics in Psychology graduate course since 2012. Similarly, my 2017 research paper on methylphenidate will be used in Argosy University’s Psychopharmacology graduate

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