Understanding the Impact of Sickle Cell Disease

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Sickle cell disease is a group of disorders that affects the blood, specifically, a molecule called hemoglobin in red blood cells (“sickle cell disease”, 2016). Hemoglobin is a molecule that facilitates the delivery of oxygen throughout the body (“sickle cell disease”, 2016). A mutant form of the hemoglobin molecule causes red blood cells to become crescent shaped or “sickled shaped” (Lonergan et. al. 2001). This distorted shape of red blood cells causes rigidity of the blood cells and vaso-occulusion (or the blood vessels to become clogged) (Rees et.al., 2010). This often leads to a low number of red blood cells (anemia), repeated infections and episodes of pain that are periodic (“Sickle cell disease”, 2016). Although sickle cell disease …show more content…

Therefore, treatment for sickle cell disease aims to relieve symptoms and prevention of complications (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Management of the disease begins with informing parents that have a high risk of conceiving children with the disease about prenatal screening (Schnog et. al., 2004). This allows for comprehensive care of the newborn and preparation (Schnog et. al., 2004). One of the preventative measures include antibiotics such as penicillin before the age of 5 to reduce the risk of infections. Others include getting all the required vaccinations as well as additional ones, regular influenza vaccinations and meningococus vaccination (“How Is Sickle Cell Disease Treated?”, n.d.). Additional measures include screening tests and evaluations such as blood and urine testing, eye examinations, pulmonary hypertension, cognitive screening and Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Ultrasound Screening (which tests whether a child is at risk for stroke) (“How Is Sickle Cell Disease Treated?”, n.d.). As the disease is associated with painful crisis, medication to manage pain is also prescribed to those presenting with the symptoms (“How Is Sickle Cell Disease Treated?”,

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