Should There Be 18 Year Old Age To Vote?

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I believe that 18 years old is too young for a citizen to vote. I think this because most 18 year old citizens are still in high school. Students should be focusing on graduating and getting good grade, and not political arguments. I think it is okay for them to be exposed to the debates on their local news, but they shouldn't have to worry about who to vote for on top of school work. I understand the leaders of our country most likely what young people to have a say in who their leaders are, however we should be letting the student be focused on school so they can be ready to vote.

I think that the age to vote should be 21.I believe this is an acceptable age to vote at because at 21 you have graduated and possibly gone to college, and you most likely have a lot more free time to keep up with the political elections.When you become 21 you get a lot of privileges for example you will be legally aloud to do drugs along with being able to Obtain a concealed weapons permit. One reason you get these privileges is because you have mostly matured and our country has trusted you with these privileges. I believe that if you can vote then you can drink. If you can trust a student with the privilege to vote and determine the leader and future of our country then not to drink then I believe they should wait to vote until they are 21 to be able to vote. …show more content…

When school is in session, and even when it isn't students are stressing about school work and grades. We shouldn't add more to their plates with having to keep up with the election and political debates. Students should focus on getting good grades and graduating, then getting into a good college to have a sturdy future that can support them. Then after they have gotten settled into the real world they should then be allowed to

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