Should Teachers Be Armed With Guns In Schools Essay

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I am without a doubt of the opinion that all teachers in a school should not be armed with a gun. It is an outrageous idea and shouldn't even be considered a possibility.
Guns are very dangerous weapons that if handled improperly can end a person's life in a matter of seconds. There are plenty of mass shootings and high death rates from murderous psychopaths with guns all around the world, but in Australia, that number is extremely low to the point where it's hardly even noticeable. Why do you ask? It's because guns have been illegal unless authorised for over 20 years and is an amazing law that has saved many lives.
Did you know in America 61% of the population above the legal age owns a firearm weapon that they have on hand due to the fact that it is legal to own one? There are many people who are fighting to change this law to resemble Australia's due to the fact that how safe it is compared to everyone running around with a loaded firearm. The reason it hasn't been changed yet is that of how the firearm industry has grown and has a wealth of billions of dollars. Which brings me to my next point if we were to give firearms to teachers the risk-reward is …show more content…

Now let's say there are exams on so this teacher has double the workload they would have and something has happened back home which is stressing them out. Then they have to come and face this child that won't listen disrupting every other student how tempting would it be just to end this or make them. I know that is very dark and a huge "what if", but in the moment and circumstances it might just take over. Even if an attack did occur it has been known that highly trained police officers under panic take a bullet to an innocent civilian imagine a low paid teacher that has been given a light demonstration on the

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