Should Students Be Allowed To Work Ethic?

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The world is filled with many different types of occupational fields such as construction, business management, medical, agricultural, and educational. All types of people are allowed to apply for jobs in any field except for those who are younger than 18. It is not fair how people at ages higher than 60 are allowed to work, but students who are younger than 18 are not. Discrimination should not occur if minors could offer the same amount of effort that elders can. Although students can have jobs such as mowing lawns, working at fast food restaurants, lifeguarding, and cleaning, they should be allowed to apply for all jobs at any age because it helps them support their families, provides an educational opportunity, and allows them to utilize skills and work ethic. No choice exists as to what family a child is born into, some of those being …show more content…

In the first 18 years of life, kids have an opportunity to learn plenty of skills. Singing, dancing, running, typing, writing, reading, and riding are just a few. If they are extremely good at it, why stop them from doing what they do best? If they do a better job than other people, why refuse? Many kids are hard workers and will do their best at anything they work for. Employers might have better luck with an eleven year old than they would with a 40-year old adult. If they have the skills and work ethic, they should be just as qualified as adults. If they make mistakes, the blame should not be put on their age because someone else much older could have made the same mistakes. If employers do not think they are right for the job, then they do not have to hire them, or they can let them go after a short time of work. Companies should at least give them a chance to prove themselves without completely shunning them because of their

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