Should Mentally Ill People Be Forced Into Treatment?

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Mentally Ill: Is it beneficial to force treatment? Claim statement The question to be addressed in this essay is the following: Should mentally ill people be forced into treatment? This paper will argue that people with mental disorders who are at risk of harming themselves and others should be forced into treatment. Those with mental disorders that cannot function appropriately within society because of their illness are a potential danger, but with treatment they can overcome the possibility of being dangerous. If left untreated great harm could occur to themselves and those around them. Context & Key definitions Over time society has changed the way they view mentally ill people. In the past, legally mentally ill people were forced into treatment, but recently this forceful treatment has been viewed as inhumane. Forcing someone into treatment legally is tricky …show more content…

They are deemed mentally ill because the fit certain criteria’s and are not characterized as mentally ill to become alienated by society. Forced treatment works to help people with mental illness reason. Those that have a mental disorder cannot reason appropriately and could do something hazardous. In fact, mental health professionals say forceful treatment has great results when dealing with their most difficult patient. Society has a responsibility to care of their citizens. If the mentally ill are left untreated they can harm themselves which is society’s responsibility to avoid. In some cases, such as anorexia patients starve themselves resulting in fatality and it is society’s job to protect them from such a result. The responsibility to take care of the mentally ill and the rest of society is more important than the autonomy of the mentally ill. There are certain conditions' that result in a person being forced into treatment, the decision is made in court. All treatments respect the person’s

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