Should High School Students Be Required To Gain A Driver's License?

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Requiring a person to earn a high school diploma before they can receive a driver's license would cause negative repercussions in the person's teenage years. There are many benefits to teenagers having their license before they graduate, and all of these life experiences and characteristics gained with having a license before graduating would be taken away if state legislature passed the bill requiring someone to graduate high school before earning their driver's license. High school student's are busy and their schedules often don't match those of their parents, making having a driver's license extremely helpful to the high school student's and their family. These teenagers are involved in a large variety of activities, filling their schedules with "Advanced Placement classes, a part in the school musical,a regular babysitting job, participation in both a school and church chorus," various sports practices and games, time with friends, and everything in between (Boodman). One cannot expect parents to take the brunt of all of this transportation for their teens when they are perfectly capable of driving themselves while still in high school. Many parents with more than one kid can easily become overwhelmed with driving them to …show more content…

The responsibility gained by having a car is monumental. There comes the responsibility of protecting yourself and other driver's lives by driving responsibly and also taking care of your car with continuous upkeep. This responsibility instills confidence in teenagers. Knowing that they can be trusted with such a responsibility creates a sense of purpose and confidence. Teens will be more "capable of handling high-pressure situations" by having the confidence gained from getting their driver's

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