Should Gum Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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Smack, smack, POP! “Put that gum away!” the teacher screamed. That is not what should be happening in schools. In many schools you will get a detention or get in big trouble for chewing gum in class but isn’t it ironic that colleges allow gum when your elementary, middle, and high schools don’t allow it? Gum is supposed to be helpful and should be allowed in schools because it helps you with your memory, it’s good for helping you pay attention, and it improves your test performance/scores. Gum is good to chew during school because it helps your memory. March 8, 2013 British Psychological Society wrote that they conducted an experiment. The experiment involved 38 people being split into two groups. The two groups completed an assignment about 30 minutes long that involved listening to a list of numbers from 1-9 that were being read out randomly. The participants were graded on how accurate and fast they were when asked to detect a pattern of numbers (odd,even,odd), such as 9-4-5. Participants also completed a survey on their mood before and after the task. The results showed that the people that chewed gum had quicker reaction times and more accurate results than the participants who did not chew gum. This was especially the case towards the end of the …show more content…

In the same experiment that was explained the participants that chewed gum had quicker reaction times and more accurate results closer to the end of the experiment. This is the case because the excess movement of the jaw increased their blood flow making them more attentive and that made them remember more sequences towards the end of the test when the other participants that didn’t. The other participants didn’t have the increased blood flow and towards the end of the test they were getting tired and their brain was foggy from remembering the earlier sequences and were mixing up the different numbers. This contemplates that if you are chewing gum it helps you pay more

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