Should Eighteen Year Olds Be Allowed To Vote?

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A eighteen year old boy was allowed to vote for a president but he couldn't smoke. Eighteen year old should be able to buy tobacco. When you're eighteen you can vote,Join the military, and be treated as an adult for a crime. Most of the things that you can do when you're eighteen you can do when you're twenty one expects buying tobacco now and alcohol. There was a time before were eighteen olds could buy tobacco for many years , so why change it now.
The 26th Amendment gave eighteen year old the right to vote. Every vote counts many young people don't vote, because there are not old enough. 66% of eighteen year olds voted in the last previous ballet. That rate is high because if young people are voting that is a big affect on the votes. If eighteen year olds are not voting that could decrease the voting just by taking away young people votes. That's like eighteen year olds not buying tobacco so the tobacco rate will decrease because those young …show more content…

According to carmen daugherty “Laws that permit youth under the age of 18 to enter the adult criminal justice system represent a departure from the traditional understanding of juvenile justice — to serve the best interests of the child”. If you are a minor in you get in some type of crime the consequences wouldnt be the same as they would be if you are eighteen year old adult. A seventeen year old boy was with a eighteen year old boy who got caught with drugs in the car. Since the boy was only seventeen he didn't get charged with anything because he was a minor. The eighteen year old got charged with everything because he is concerned a adult now ,so all the charges ended up on his record not the minor kid. The minor gets in less trouble just because there still a kid so they can't serve the consequences that the eighteen old gets. The eighteen punishment is more harsh because they're older and a

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