Short Story 'Oh, The Places You' Ll Go

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"Oh, The Places You'll Go!" Reflective Piece The story "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" is a short story written by Dr. Seuss. The story begins with the protagonist embarking on a journey throughout the town, and while on this journey they face many obstacles. During their time not only do they face many challenges, but they also discover a place known as the "waiting place". The waiting place is where everyone is waiting. Waiting for a new haircut, waiting for a plane to go, waiting for it to rain etc. This is a place where everyone is simply waiting, waiting for something to happen yet not doing anything to make it happen. It is while the character is at this place that the narrator states "No this is not for you." leading to the character leaving the place. The character then proceeds on their journey throughout the town, and the story concludes with the …show more content…

The story talks about how we are in charge of making our own choices, and that making these choices is not an easy thing. The story also talks about how while on the journey of life you may find yourself at a point where you are in the waiting place, however, you should get out of the waiting place as there are many amazing things waiting for you. If we were to summarize the story very briefly & the message of it, it would be that life is hard, but we should not be discouraged because these challenges are simply a part of life. The message is also that although during our journey of life finding ourselves in the waiting place is a normal occurrence, it is important that we pick ourselves back up and work hard because it is only then that as

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