Short Story Done By Davjohn

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In a big city called New Mexico City there is are people that don’t have homes to live in. These people go to the dumps and make their homes out there. This story is going to be about a little boy that has an ill mother and he goes out tries to finish their house. He goes far from home to go look for scraps to finish his home. He sees the police and they have been trying to catch him to [put him in an orphanage, but they seem to never get him. Davjohn will take a huge risk to help the only person that loved him, his mother. To begin, there is a boy named Davjohn who lives with his mother in their home at the dump of New Mexico. His mother Alice is African-American that’s mixed with Mexican. Her eyes are hazel green and when they hits the sun they look like a honey color. She has curly kinky hair. His father which is died, was full Mexican with light brown eyes. Now for Davjohn he has caramel skin and eyes that are hazel brown, green eyes that change more light brown when it’s sunny out. He’s thin and short. While his mother is ill he searches for more metal scraps to finish their house before the winter comes and it starts snowing. …show more content…

He just found out that his mom has cancer and she is dying slowly. Davjohn cried for several days and then he decided that it was time to help out his mom and try to get her to feel better. He thinks if he finish their home that she’ll get better. Davjohn takes a risk to go find more metal for their home. It’s really hot outside. It feels like when you’re out at Texas and you just can never get cooled. His sweat is running down him like a waterfall. He tries his best to keep himself to keep going for his mom. He tells himself that’s all for his mom. As soon as he goes over a hill he sees the

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