Shirley Jackson Biography

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Shirley Jackson
Shirley was a very strong person overcame many difficult obstacles. She was very different than other woman her age. She had to deal with many hard things in her life but found a way to make it through them. Shirley Jackson was a hardworking, dedicated mom who also happened to be an excellent writer and artist. She wrote capably in multiple genres including horror and science-fiction. She is the best writer of her century and affected many people’s lives in a positive way. Though dealing with lot she found a way to be a successful writer.
Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1916 in San Francisco. Her parents were Leslie Hardie and Geraldine Jackson. Only two years after Shirley was born, her family moved from San Francisco to Burlington, California with her new born brother. When she was a young child she was mostly interested in sports and literature. She was pretty girl with blue eyes. Even though she suffered from depression, schizophrenia, neurousis and psychosomatic disorder the most notable thing about her was her laughter. Though she dealt with many hard things throughout her childhood she found a way to be positive about almost everything. She did not let her problems get in her way.
She started to write poetry and short stories in 1930 before starting Burlingame High School. In 1934, Jackson enrolled in the liberal arts program at the University of Rochester in 1934. She went through periods of being unhappy at her school so she withdrew from the university. Shirley worked every day for a year on her writing. She had been working very hard on perfecting her writing skills, getting help from others. After a year of becoming a better writer she thought that she should go back to college for more sch...

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...ft behind. She had died young and left novels for her kids to later on complete for her. She had requested that when she died there would not be a funeral or memorial service. She was one of the most influential authors of the twentieth century.
Shirley Jackson was an excellent writer, mother and wife. She had to overcome many difficulties in her life. Shirley raised her kids on her own while her husband was very distant from the family. She also had to deal with drugs and weight gain. She suffered through many things but even through all the stress she found time to write. She put a lot of hard work into writing her stories and drawing cartoons. Even with juggling all the housework and taking care of her kids she was highly committed to her writing and was very successful with it. Even though she died at a young age she made a huge impact on many people’s lives.

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