Uluburun Wreck Essay

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When looking at the Mediterranean main shipwreck have been found and contain artifact which can be used to help answer question about the origins, significance and history. One specific wreck is the Uluburun wreck which is a 14th century BC ship of either Syria or Cyprus origins discovered off the coast of southwest turkey. When looking at the Uluburun wreck it brings forth many question due to its diverse and plentiful number of artifacts. Taking into consideration these factor leads me to wonder if the owner or merchant was present on the Uluburun ship during it voyage across the Mediterranean. When looking at the artifacts found such as the unique and luxury personal items found on the ship, the diverse and substantial amount of merchandise …show more content…

When looking at specific artifacts which to me signify wealth and respect, such as the gold chalice and Egyptian scarab of Nefertiti. These objects signify to me gifts which would have been presented to higher ups on the ship and more specifically the merchant of the ship. Also, as referenced in goude article that these objects would have been knows as sumptuary cargo which is considered highly valuable and specialized objected that was made from unique and exotic materials and would have been associated with elite status (Goude, 2011). Also during this time as hypothesized by Andrew and Susan Sherratt that during early bronze age trade that emerging elites were seeking to obtain luxury good which would increase their social status. Through this growing behavior it increases the likelihood that in determination to increase their social status the merchant of the Uluburun ship would be present on the ship voyage. Another important factor as previously discussed in class is the importance that ships signified …show more content…

Then also the reference in goude article which states that Uluburun is unique compared to other shipwrecks in the amount and diversity of its merchandise; especially regarding the amount of copper found which was a very important trading item during the bronze age which would lead to increased threats of stealing which in my model would lead to a more significant chance the merchant would be present on the ship. Along with another reference to Gould article is that copper being such an important resource that there is such a that there was such a widespread occurrence of oxhide shape copper ingots shape across the Mediterranean which leads people to believe that2 some authority would have had control over the production of it. Therefore, for the Uluburun ship is significant because it had a large quantity of oxhide copper with a total of 85 found and suggested total being 200 which shows a large amount of wealth and power needed to obtain such a cargo. Through this I believe the power needed to obtain this cargo would have required the merchant of Uluburun would have had to be present. However, another interesting aspect is that this voyage was not a merchant ship seeking profit is as stated in gourde article that Uluburun and Cape Gelidonya both had a high

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