Shinichi Hoshi's He-Y Come On Ou

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The short story He-y Come on Ou-t clearly displays a theme of karma - what goes around, comes around. Five elements of author Shinichi Hoshi’s writing style that emphasize this theme include character, conflict, symbolism, diction, and humour. The setting of this story is a city, although it is not named, this gives us the analogy that this city is meant to represent society as a whole. In the story, we are encountered with many static characters. A businessman, representing all business people, and a scientist, representing the most intelligent members of our society. This shows that the events in this story are directly applicable to our lives. There is also a wise elderly man who warns the population of the dangers that may result from the hole. The arrogant young adult is the first person to go against these warning. At …show more content…

nature. The people in the story begin to put their waste in the ground and in the hole. This littering is pollution and it will damage the earth. In turn, nature will come back to haunt them in the form of global warming and climate change. Karma is exactly what will happen when the things put in the hole start to come back out. This can be seen in the collage through the people of the society throwing their waste into the hole. The theme is also highlighted through the symbolism of the hole. The hole symbolizes the so called easy way out. The population uses the hole to dump their waste and clean up the city, however, the hole will cycle back and pollute the city. The hole itself is a circle in the story as well as in the collage which perfectly represents karma. Shinichi’s diction and use of terminology also emphasizes the theme of what goes around comes around. The story begins with the phrase “Hey come on out” when the young man throws a pebble into the hole. It then ends with the pebble being thrown back down at the city and the sound of someone saying “Hey come on out”. It comes in full

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