Shelly Field Research Paper

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A woman walks into the emergency room with terror in her heart as they take the lifeless child from her hands. As panic consumes her, screams fill the ears of those surrounding her. People in scrubs take the blue-faced child out of sight, rushing to keep the small heart pumping. A blond-haired, brown-eyed woman has her hands performing C.P.R. on his tiny chest, “He’s breathing!” echoes in the room. He was yanked back from the light by the hands of a registered nurse. Without a doubt, registered nurses are some of the most crucial people in the medical field. In the civilian world nurses work in hospitals, clinics, private medical facilities, public health agencies, schools, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers. Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center explains that there are more unique places to work such as “sick bays aboard ships, mobile field hospitals, and airplanes that transfer patients to medical centers.” Registered nurses are expected to follow instructions given to them by physicians, such as inject pain killers, antibiotics, and other medications. They …show more content…

Shelly Field’s states that to become a nurse it is “required to have a degree from an accredited school, which last approximately two years”; if someone wants “additional education to become a B.S.N. they receive a bachelor’s degree, which will take four to five years at a college or university.” When someone is taking classes to become a nurse their education includes classroom instruction, supervised training, and clinical experience; like most careers. While many people in America believe that becoming a nurse it easier than other careers; nurses do have to take an exam called the NCLEX-RN to be licensed in one state they wish to practice in (Field). Americans are tested on their intelligence daily, nurses are tested every second they stand in the

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