Shawn Machel Johnson's Winning Balance

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Winning Balance is about a young girl who has inspired many girls not just through her love for gymnastics but also for her strength, hard work, and courage. Shawn Machel Johnson was born on January 19,1992 at the Iowa Lutheran hospital in Des Moines, Iowa. Her parents, Doug and Teri Johnson,were very protective of her when she was a baby because of the difficulties she faced. Although, Shawn ended up overcoming obstacles as a baby, she faced many issues growing up. At a young age her parents expected her to be honest, kind, and loving of other people. She had no idea what her future was holding for her. Shawn’s life started out pretty rough. Shawn was a late baby and had an Apgar score of 0 when she was born, so she learned about obstacles at a very young age. An Apgar score is a measure of the physical condition of a newborn infant. Infant’s are scored in different categories, such as, appearance, pulse rate, reflex irritability, activity, and respiratory effort. Scores between 1-3 are considered critical and require immediate medical intervention. While Shawn was growing up,she was a very active little girl and very interested in learning. She …show more content…

She was not only representing the USA but also acted as a role model for young girls. When Shawn was in the Olympics,she was sure that she was going to win the Olympics and also Dancing with the Stars. Shawn was confident in her ability to do well at the Olympics. On DWTS, Mark Ballas was very helpful when Shawn was not feeling herself. For example, when Shawn was told she had a stalker Mark helped her even though Shawn was not able to tell him much. Her parents also helped her to live her dreams through gymnastics. Shawn was confident in her abilities to do well in gymnastics, as well in dance. Her parents were often her biggest cheerleaders. Her parents always encouraged her even at an early age to believe in herself and always reach for the

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