Sharpay Impersonal Communication

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The term “Impersonal communications” is defined as a behavior that treats others as objects rather than individuals (13). This word was shown throughout the movie as Sharpay fakes being nice to Gabriella the new girl. This connection occurs because Sharpay tells Gabriella about the spring musical, knowing Gabriella wanted to try out for it she shot the idea of trying out down because she says she always get the lead role and no one else will. She then writes her name covering the entire sign-up sheet so no one else could write their name down if they wanted to. Sharpy is portrayed as a mean girl, and treats others as if they are less than she is. This is how the connection of Impersonal communication and the movie relate (13:02). The term …show more content…

This is relevant in the movie with Sharpay, a prep in the movie walks into the school the first day after their winter break. She talks to the basketball team squad and then walks away saying she had a good break. Once she was out of sight, Chad, one of the teammates make a joke about her. The joke was that she had went mirror shopping the whole Christmas break. He makes this joke because of the fact she is a prep and likes herself and her looks so much. This is a prime example of stereotyping a character for looking for mirrors in her spare time, just because she has a high self-esteem …show more content…

Proxemics can vary in multiple distances. Throughout the movie Troy and Gabriella’s relationship goes from meeting to friends to a relationship. While this happens, you can really notice proxemics coming into play. The first time they met, they were on stage having to sing karaoke both being shy, nervous, and uncomfortable it is noticeable that their proxemics distance is at social distance, ranges from 7 to 12 feet at a closest point (237). This is due to the lack of a relationship because they did just meet. Later in the movie Troy and Gabriella’s relationship emerges and they begin to be closer, one scene Troy takes Gabriella on the roof of the school to show her the view. They end up sitting on a bench talking about singing together for the musical and begin to hold hands. This shows the proxemics of intimate distance, which ranges from skin contact to 18 inches. This is also more used and noticed in private situations (237). The relationship of Troy and Gabriella show proxemics distances develop throughout the different ranges and

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