The Negative Effects Of Sexual Abuse

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Sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force or taking advantage of victims. It is a problem for the whole community if it occurs for it effects everyone. Sexual abuse should be stopped by raising awareness because it should not be covered up, people who report sexual abuse are often stigmatized, which makes people scared to report sexual abuse. The stigma associated with sexual abuse should be lifted. Sexual abuse is also reffered to as molestation. It can also be reffered to as sexual assault when it is of short duration or infrequent. Female are the most common victims of sexual abuse. Although males are susceptable to it also. Sexual abuse is sometimes by a family member, which is a form of incest. Many sexual abuse experts say sexual abuse isn 't about sex at all, but rather the attempt to gain power over victims. One of the worst forms of sexual abuse is child sexual abuse. This is when an adult or older adolescent seeks sexual gratification from a child. This is an especially harmful form of sexual abuse because children are vulnerable and often don 't know how to report what has happened to them. About 20 percent of women and 8 percent of men have disclosed being sexually abused when they were children. This number may actually be higher because many people are unwilling to admit they …show more content…

As a member of the community, it 's important to be able to detect sexual abuse and report it to authorities. Some of the physical signs of sexual abuse may be difficulty walking or sitting, bloody or torn clothing, bleeding or bruising in the genital area, pain or itching in the genital area, or frequent urinary infections. Some of the behavioral signs may be deveopment of phobias, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, trouble in school, running away from home, having nightmares, bed-wetting, changes in hygiene, or any inappropriate sexual knowledge or

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