Sex Offenders In Jail

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Sex Offenders Sex offenders are very dangerous and they are people that are not to be messed with. There are sex offenders out there that cannot control themselves, therefore they get put in jail for crime. Sex offenders should have their addresses publicized because it helps the people out there know where they live, it narrows down the sex offenders that are still out there so they can be put in jail and it will let people know that people know that they too can catch these sex offenders that are still out there. First, people should always know when there is a criminal living near their house. Sex offenders are unsafe people and they are dangerous people to live by. In addition, most countries today including USA is full of criminals especially sex offenders. Sex offenders can be a threat to little kids. However, People can be clueless and un aware of the sex offenders. Therefore, the parents would not know about it. In addition, parents would do anything in the world to keep their baby safe. It would be helpful to let people know in advance that there is a sex offender in their …show more content…

There is people out there that get sexually abused for no apparent reason. Sex offenders should be in jail for life. Once they get out, that does not mean that they will not stop at any cost for what they have caused. People out there may disagree with the fact that they should be free from jail after they have served their time. There should be no exceptions for sex offenders to be active doing who knows what. It is not fair, and they should be put in jail for life sentence. Those people that get in contact with them lose their lives because of the damage that the sex offenders caused. People should know better not to let their kids out and make sure they know not to talk to anyone. People should show no mercy to sex offenders. Again. There should absolutely no excuses as to why sex offenders should be sentence for

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