Sex And Sex In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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In 1984, the issue of sex is frowned upon by the party because they feel all pleasure should be removed from the population and that sex should only be performed for reproductive purposes that help provide the continuation of the party. Love and sex are not something one should be enjoying as an individual in Oceania, but sexual acts must be performed in Winston 's duty to continuing the party and not for his own self. Any relationships that are outside the love of the party are seen as counter productive to the party 's goals because they feel it provides for a reason to uprise against the party 's oppressive nature. The party works hard to remove any loyalty and empathy to individuals and to create undeniable love and devotion to the …show more content…

In this new world, sex is ingrained into children at a very young age. In fact, in the hatcheries children are encouraged to join in on erotic sexual games with each other. The government leaders do this in order to build a firm ideal that "everyone belongs to everyone else" and to remove attachments from between each individual. Everyone in this society has seemingly slept with everyone else, and when a citizen questions there own promiscuity, their peers will quickly step in to correct them back onto the path of further casual sex. They even go to the point of having simulated sex as one citizen recalls a simulation where "There 's a love scene on a bearskin rug; they say it 's marvellous. Every hair of the bear reproduced. The most amazing tactual effects." The idea of simulated sex is to dehumanize every part of sex to make it almost automated without emotion. They seek only the pleasure and none of the attachments, so in essence a friends with benefits type of scenario. Sex plays the role of distracting and suppressing the population because it allows them to focus more on soma and who they will be having sex with rather than independent thought. This is crucial for the government to keep control because if everyone loves everything and there are no independent thoughts then there will be no …show more content…

Just like the reality in Brave New World, Aldous Huxley 's vision into the future shows a scary view relationship with that of our current society. Today, casual sex has become a social normality and is even portrayed as needed and healthy by the propaganda we devour every day. TV shows put their character 's sex lives on blast revealing them to be outgoing and having tons of meaningless sex with other characters. Sexual promiscuity has run so rampant in today 's society that more than one-third of children aged fourteen and under have had sex and approximately 70% of 12th graders have had some sort of sexual interaction in their life so far. Each year, those percentages are expected to rise as America enters deeper into the sexual revolution (Sexual Promiscuity in Adolescents). Sex is becoming more and more prevalent at a younger age in the United States and pleasure is furthermore desired at the same pace, so the reality of Brave New World and the reality of our world may soon be one in the

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