Serial Killers Chapter Summary

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Next the chapter goes on to talk about the types of serial murders for men and females. The chapter talks about how Holmes and DeBurger came up with four category typology of serial murders. 1. Visionary 2. Missionary 3. Hedonistic 4. Power and Control. The section goes on to talk about how other people to categorize serial killers by their terms of geographical mobility, and also their sexual tendencies. Next the section talks about how female serial killers are categorized into 9 different categories come up by Kelleher and Kelleher. 1. Black Widows 2. Angels of Death 3. Sexual Predator 4. Revenge Serial Killer 5. Profit for Crime 6. Team Killers 7. Question of Sanity 8. Unexplained and 9. Unsolved.

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