Serial Killer Phenomenon Essay

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VThe similarities of serial killers can show signs of what to look for in a young child with unusual behavioral issues. Scientists have studied the behavioral patterns of killers to better understand why they commit their crimes. The article “The Serial Killer Phenomenon”, by Richard Whittington-Egan explains that “A large number of serial killers have such characteristics in common, as being essentially a loner, experiencing difficulty with relationships, and showing, psychopathically, neither empathy, conscience, nor remorse, only arrogance” (Whittington-Egan). A person with killer attributes will be an antisocial person who has trouble in any relationship based on love and trust, two emotions difficult for a serial killer to feel. Again the killer will feel no empathy for other human beings or remorse in result of the wrong doing they have committed. …show more content…

Therefore this person is incredibly full of themselves and often believes the world revolves around them. These types of behaviors are stereotypical behaviors for serial killers. These behaviors can be spotted at a young age for children. If a child is secluding himself from classmates, unable to make friends, and only concerned with their own well being there could be a big problem. A parent’s first instinct is not to accuse their young child with behavior issues of being a serial killer, but issues start to arise when they ignore the facts. Knowing the information that is available about mental health today parents should use that to better understand their own

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