Serial Killer Sociology

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Serial Killers, what exactly is a serial killer, is it a label or a character, or an expression of human emotions. Serial Killer: a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern. In short, it's a monster inside of a human body that can kills for fun with no expressions, and can possibly be followed by a certain pattern from his actions. To understand a Serial Killer, first need to know the origin of serial killing; serial killing are the rarest from homicide, they have the tendency of killed three or more individual that had whatsoever connect towards the killer. A positive indication what police officer or detectives know that they are dealing with a serial killing is the …show more content…

Serial Killer can be defined in multiple ways, but as my personal view of point is that they are simply people that have certain problems or that they are sick/ mentally issue. They are people that must be taken care of and be treated of their condition, and be handled with the utmost respect, though they killed or wounded innocent people. In the modern world of social study they have had connect towards each serial killer, that they all have a somewhat common background, a “certain classes of people are positioned as outcasts or ‘lesser’ humans. Such individuals, often singled out by modern institutions for reprobation, censure and marginalisation, are also disproportionately the targets of serial killers, who tend to prey upon vagrants, the homeless, prostitutes, migrant workers, homosexuals, children, the elderly and hospital patients. Gerald Stano likened the killing of his victims to ‘no different than stepping on a cockroach’ (Holmes and DeBurger, 1998).’’ (The Social Study Of Serial

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