Separation Of Schools In The 1800's

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Separate, but equal sounded like a good compromise when it was created in the 1800’s. The idea was created by the Massachusetts Supreme Court in the case of Roberts v City of Boston. Although separate, but equal was also a topic of education, it was a big issue in the transportation field. The U.S. Supreme Court determined that as long as railroad cars were equal, they were allowed to be segregated (Separate, n.d.). This court ruling created a nationwide separation of blacks and whites. There had to be separate facilities for each group of people. This applied to transportation, bathrooms, and even schools. The Supreme Court’s ruling was later overruled when it ruled on the case of Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka. In this case, the …show more content…

While racism is a big topic of controversy in the United States, it has not had the same effect on our schools as it did in the late 1800s. The cause of the re-segregation of today’s schools is due to housing prices and the communities that certain groups of people are moving to. Specifically, people with lower socioeconomic statuses are moving to places where housing is cheaper. Typically, this group of people is composed mostly of minorities. Another example of this is the massive immigrant population that we have in the United States. Recent immigrants are moving to places where housing is cheap and there are a lot of jobs. Therefore, all of the schools in these areas are highly populated by poorer students and the majority of them are minorities. The opposite of these situations is also true. Many rich people tend to locate themselves in areas where there are other rich people and housing is more expensive. Characteristically, this leads to schools in suburbs being composed of mostly white, upper and middle class students. (American n.d.). This creates schools that are extremely segregated. Segregated schools are a huge problem in today’s society and lead to problems like students being ignorant about other cultures and how to interact with people that are different than …show more content…

The only way we can do this is to change the way our schools are funded. It does not make sense for rich schools to receive an excess of money for new football fields and an iPad for every student when poor schools do not even have enough money for necessary supplies. I believe that the United States needs to create a better way of funding schools so that every school has enough money to give their students a good education. Every student deserves the chance to take an art class or to play a sport after school regardless of where they live or what color their skin is. These types of activities have been proven to benefit students’ education and creates a better-rounded student. Our goal as teachers is to educate the whole child and equal education is how we need to do that. One way to begin creating equal education would be to look at our current school districts to see if the lines could be drawn in a way that would diversify the population in the schools. Another way to create equal education would be to find a different way of funding our schools. The amount of money each school gets should not be a direct result of how much housing costs in the area. It is my personal belief that the concept of separate but equal is not a good concept for our students today. Schools need to be diverse so that our students can

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