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It’s 8:20 am; the late bell has rung signaling to all that students should be seated in class and ready to learn. Students can be seen slamming their lockers and sprinting to their next class with fear of a detention slip for being late. But lingering in the hallways is an imaginary disease embedded only in the senior class. The symptoms are well recognized by the faculty; tardiness, little to no work completed in class, turning in assignments late, and an overall lethargic attitude rapidly spread from student to student as the end of the school year nears. Unfortunately, the repercussions of their actions are not as innocent as some seniors like to believe. Senioritis has short-term as well as long-term damage on their academic attainment such as loss of college acceptance, difficulties with college level classes, lack of desire to further education and a continued apathetic attitude towards the end of any undertaking.
To understand why senioritis is so destructive to a senior’s future, it should first be identified. According to, senioritis is defined as an imaginary syndrome attributed to students nearing the end of high school and college, whose symptoms include laziness, procrastination and apathy toward schoolwork. Towards the end of the senior year of high school, many seniors have already been accepted into colleges, have plans to study a certain area or will already have jobs lined up for them when they graduate high school. Many are so focused on the future that the present is no longer important to them. English class doesn’t hold value to a future car mechanic. Biology is irrelevant to the senior pursuing the dream of being an artist. They have a strong desire to free themselves from the educational system that has held them there for 12 years. Although they have grown as a person and a student, in the eyes of a senior, the monotonous details of their school day have remained unchanged. They arrive at school, get books out of their locker, the bell rings, they go to class, the teacher talks, they listen. At the end of the day, they put their books away; and go home only to study for tomorrow’s test and sleep. Students question why they should have to go to certain classes. They know that their grades are good enough and can still pass with a C regardless of their participation in the class (The Mysteries of Senioritis).

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