Senior Fitness Benefits

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Senior Fitness Programs That Help You Stay Active And Fit

You're never too old to begin exercising. However, if it's been years since you've been in a fitness program, then you may need to start slow to avoid injury. Fortunately, there are many fitness workouts geared toward seniors. Here are some you might be interested in doing.

Stretching Exercises For Flexibility

Stretching exercises are beneficial for seniors because they help you stay limber and improve your balance. If you're sedentary for a long period or if you have pain that limits your mobility, then you can loose some range of motion in your body. That puts you at a higher risk of falling and it also makes it difficult to do daily tasks when you can't bend and reach. Stretching exercises are gentle, but effective. As you get stronger and become more flexible, the intensity of the exercises increase, so you can get a good workout at the same time.

Yoga Classes For Stress Reduction …show more content…

It not only helps you become more limber while strengthening your muscles, it also helps you reduce stress. Stress reduction has many health benefits no matter what your age. Yoga is a meditative form of exercise that benefits you physically and emotionally. You can take yoga classes designed for seniors or beginners so you can start slow to prevent strain and injury.

Tai Chi Classes For Gentle Movement

Tai Chi is similar to yoga in that it is a meditative form of exercise. It is a series of very slow and purposeful movements that center your mind for a calming effect while stretching your body into gentle poses. Tai Chi is a good form of exercise for seniors because it isn't physically exerting yet you obtain so many mental and physical benefits such as strengthening core muscles, lowering blood pressure through relaxation, stimulating deep breathing, and improving balance.

Water Exercises For Strength

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