Self-management of Leisure Behaviour in the Workplace and its Impact on Productivity

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The following four articles were selected for annotation due to their relevance, accuracy and quality. The topic investigated was the self-management of workplace leisure behaviour and how it impacts productivity in the workplace.

This study examined the positive effects of workplace internet leisure browsing on productivity levels. The study argued that internet browsing was an unobtrusive interruption enabling restoration of mental capacity in the workplace while fostering feelings of autonomy. Cocker (2011) made use of three validated case studies examining the effects of interruptions and breaks on task performance in order to conduct the study. The major finding of the paper was that provided internet browsing time did not exceed around 12 per cent of work time and bursts of recreational use were kept short, they would have a more positive effect on productivity than longer sessions. The results complement the applications of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in organisational settings which correlates well with other research being completed for the literature review (see Deci & Ryan, 2000). This supported the notion that browsing the internet during short breaks had a positive correlation between having workplace autonomy and connectivity while improving competence. Further research suggested by this study included research into the negative impact on task performance where it may be intruding on an individual’s concentration when working on a task requiring a high amount of cognitive resources.

The Self-Determination Theory (SDT) presented in this study has been used in many reliable journals since being conducted. In their original study, Deci and colleagues (1989) made a critical connection between self-determ...

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...nagement strategies allowing workers to feel more in control and autonomous at work will develop better self-management and in turn retain higher levels of productivity.

Works Cited

Cherian, J. & Jacob, J. (2013). Impact of self-efficacy on motivation and performance of employees. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(14), 80-88.doi:10.5539/ijbm.v8n14p80
Cocker, B. (2011). Freedom to surf: The positive effects of workplace internet leisure browsing. New Technology, Work and Employment, 26(3), 238-247. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-005X.2011.00272.x
Deci, E., Connell, J., & Ryan, R. (1989). Self-determination in a work organisation. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 580-590. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.74.4.580
Thomack, B. (2012). Time management for today’s workplace demands. Workplace Health and Safety, 60(5), 201-203. doi: 10.3928/21650799-20120426-05

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