Self Reflection Paper On Worldview

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A worldview is the cumulative system of views, principles, and representations of a person which determines the motives for his or her behavior. The synonyms of the worldview can be such concepts as the general picture of the world or simply the outlook. This term does not name the sum of all views and representations, but rather their ultimate generalization. A worldview is inherent in a person at all stages of her life, and its formation is a continuous and incessant process. The child’s worldview is extremely simple due to lack of experience and necessary knowledge. The adult’s worldview is more conscious, as it relies more and more on rational and conscious beliefs. However, the worldview is the result not only of a personal experience …show more content…

I think that the basis of my life is the conviction that it is the person who creates her life and destiny. I believe that people are not born as they are, but they rather become who they are. There are a lot of examples of self-made people who achieved success despite the most unfavorable circumstances in their lives, and they made it because they knew their own top priorities. The main thing for me is to determine what is the most important, set a goal, and clearly follow the road to success. One of my major life goals is to become a high-class professional in my field. I strive to become a respected person whose opinion is really valued and taken into consideration to help those people who really need it. Of course, a career success is related to financial prosperity. Money gives a sense of freedom, allows people to fulfill their dreams, gives them the opportunity to develop and improve themselves. However, in my opinion, one cannot put money above everything else and strive to be wealthy at any cost. The milestone of my worldview is related to moral values which guide a person in all life situations. These values are instilled in my family and the society I live, they are extremely simple and, at the same time, they are eternal. The foundations of them are set forth in the Bible and Scripture (Smith,

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