What is Worldview and Why is it Important?

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Our worldview is how we interpret the world around us. It is a lense on how we see the world. It determines how we interact with each other in society. It determines our morals and ethics. This view is, however, not always the same “ Worldviews can and do change. In general, worldview has been most influenced by religion and science. The key is that our belief system determines what we think is possible, and what we think is possible influences the results we create or allow in life. The interactions of all our individual worldviews shapes the condition of humanity and therefore, given our technologies, of planet Earth.” A worldview is a little bit like glasses. They help us to see the world around us. However, sometimes, we don’t have the right prescription. If we don’t have the right prescription, then we will not be able to see correctly. We have to go to an expert (e.g. a doctor) to get the right prescription.

Christianity is a theistic religion, and they believe that there is one God, incarnate in three essences or beings. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are these three essences. Along with this, they believe God is a supernatural being. The revelation of Christianity is given in two ways: general revelation and special revelation. Christians believe in dualism and states that the mind is immaterial while the body is a mortal being. Human beings are comprised of both of these essences. In view of this, Christians believe in supernaturalism. Supernaturalism is the belief that the world is comprised of more than just mortal matter, but is also composed of more than just a spiritual realm. There is a mix of these two that helps the world to function properly. They also believe in the existence of moral absolutes. This ...

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...ostmodernism. Also, Secular Humanism, Marxism/Leninism, Postmodernism and Cosmic Humanism all deny the existence of moral absolutes. This however, is not a logical way to live. If morals are not absolute, than the concept of morals is overruled, and it is just whatever pleasures you. In all the areas covered above, the only worldview that seems to correctly interpret the world is Christianity. It is the only one that accurately explains the world we live in. All the others are merely a man-made attempt to try to understand something we cannot possibly understand on our own.

Works Cited

Foster Gamble, "What is “Worldview” and Why is it Important?," Thrive (blog), http://www.thrivemovement.com/what-worldview-and-why-it-important.

("What is dialectical materialism?" )

Derek Lin, "What is Zen?," taoism.net (blog), http://www.taoism.net/articles/what_zen.htm.

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