Self Love Research Paper

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Today, October 22, 2016 I once again listened to the soft sounds of meditation music and followed the guided meditation of Self Love from the meditation center on the schools site. I have to say of all the days I have used this mediation, todays was the most lacking. I found myself unable to let things go. I performed this meditation on the early morning of a Saturday, which has not been my norm. The last two entries have been in the afternoons, and after a day of work. With it being a Saturday and my day free for myself, I thought I would begin the last entry in the morning, and I must say I am a bit disappointed. I am not sure what I expected, but there was no bird chirping when my loving self was introduced to me in the meditation. This time it was a dog barking. Every …show more content…

I saw the great ball of white light, but I could feel it as well. I felt it enter me, and then out of nowhere it went black, like it was angry or upset. I acknowledged it and released it, when I did, I again could see a face. This face was far away, and unhappy, the face felt angry and sad. I kept studying it, and kept my thoughts open so it would feel that I was open to it, and wanted to know why it was with me, but then the dark face changed. The blackness that was ahold of me and the face inside that blackness became the forest green color I have been seeing in all of the meditations so far. This time the forest green color was not all around me, it was blinking, and took on a type of mushroom shape. The forest green color just kept pulsing for a while, and towards the end of the meditation, the part where it says to embrace my loving self, and to stay with it for as long as I felt comfortable, the forest green color grew, and from it purple came to the center of everything, with orange fraying at the edges. The orange was pulsing, as if it wanted to break free of something, but the purple was quiet, and

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