Self-Efficacy In Sports

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Key Terms
Consequently, this particular collection of studies has the intent of investigating what are the most consistent and finite motivational factors, exhumed by athletes and how do those motivational factors influence the success of the athlete whether during competition or not. Prior to the disclosure of those motivational factors, there are several keys terms that must be detailed prior to the review. Self-efficacy is the belief that an individual possess in his or herself, that they will achieve and or execute a specific behavior or achieve some goal (Blecharz, 2014).
An example of this would be, if an athlete has the confidence that they will perform to the best of their ability, which in part will allow them to manage their emotions …show more content…

Responsibility is when athletes take on the disposition that errors are learning experiences (1999). When an athlete can take control over a situation and can also accept responsibility for wrongful action while respecting authority, is someone who is displaying great leadership (1999). Maturity/ Emotional Control is shown when athletes are able to handle the negative pressures that are oftentimes associated with competition (1999). Drive the mental concept that carries an athlete to success regardless of the foreseen outcome (1999). Tolerance is oftentimes the threshold for one’s ability to abstain from something whether an action or a thought is. More times than not, tolerance is associated with pain (Igor, 2014). 1 Corinthians 10:13 makes reference toward tolerance when it states, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. Intrinsic factors are factors and or variables that are associated with the internal psyche of a person (Jowett, 2008). Extrinsic factors are variables that are codependent on the environment in which a person and or athlete is a part of (Pedersen, 2002). Peer Motivational Climate (PMC) can be defined as the motivational

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