Self Development In Sports

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Self Development The Necessity To Positive Strength For Sport And Life
By Singhe Arjun
Jun 30, 2011
In this competitive world, an individual must know his abilities if he wants to excel in any field. People's behavior is governed by a multitude of factors that include external influence, their own mental and emotional structure and various other things. The lack of Self Development is an important concern for any individual. Without being aware of their abilities, people tend to ignore the benefits that self-knowledge gives us. Ignorance about their own self tends to make people inefficient.

A person must undergo self-assessment in order to know where one lacks. In order to determine their weaknesses and capabilities, there are various methods available. However for a self-analysis, one must be relaxed, to ensure proper results and observe one's self. One of the methods is meditation or self talk that gives an insight to the individual's mind. One must try to remember those instances, which have been a source of de-motivation for them, or have left a deep but disturbing impact on them. These incidents must be examined so that one can understand what exactly is affecting us and hampering our proficiency.

Analysis of the self does not mean knowing only your disabilities. It means a complete understanding of our selves so that we can polish our …show more content…

The tests come in various forms, and are very accurate in assessing anyone's brainwaves and intellectual vibes. These include a simple IQ test, color therapy tests, brain mapping and emotional IQ tests. More complex testing includes hypnotism and study of dream patterns. Only professional psychiatrists to determine any deeply disturbing problem that may be resulting in emotional problems for the individual do this kind of testing. The tests can also determine how a person responds to a given situation and what kind of logic one

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