How Can Sports Build Character

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Sports Developing Character Can participating in sports build character? This question has been asked over and over by both players and sports leaders for a long time (Manning and Morgan). Character can be developed only if it is correctly taught and when the right environment is provided. Coaches can help develop it, but it helps if teammates can interact and talk to other players to help develop the character that is needing to be built. Participating in team sports helps develop character. Character can be developed when coaches and other leader teach it correctly (Lumpkin and Stokowski). One way to teach it is by modeling and showing the correct way to build character with athletics. These coaches provide good examples to their players and model doing what is right no matter the circumstances. When coaches provide the right environment it helps athletes to be able to build character. Opportunities for players to succeed are also important in the development of character. The right environment, …show more content…

Asking if sports build character is not as big of question than asking what type of character is being built. This depends on coaches, parents, and other sport leaders and how they teach it. Positive experience plays a part in the development of character, and not everyone has the best experience. Some might also say that their environment was not the greatest either. Teaching through sports can focus more on the sport itself, than things bigger than sports, such as right and wrong, and how to make the right decisions (Manning and Morgan). Some say that the coaches should be the ones to teach that, but not all coaches are willing to teach it. They also say the coaches and other leaders should increase the time spent talking about life lessons, but then again, some are not willing to do so(Lumpkin and Stokowski). Some coaches are more interested in winning at all costs instead of teaching important

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