Sei Whale

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We have always wanted our benefit and everything for ourselves, we have never thought about the other living marine or land organism and we don’t even care if it comes to abiotic appliances, that’s not the point what I am saying or rather parts of the earth are trying to tell the others to help the more vital and weaker who are also decreasing in numbers rapidly compared to our 7.22 billion humans. In the further articles you will see they information and the threats to the Sei whale, the Sei Whale Inc. is all about the a organization that is supposed to help the endangered beings or rather organisms.

Article 1 why are they needed/important

These massive marine organisms are needed because these are the most valuable creatures in the world, they are massive compared to humans and this particular type of Rorqual whale which is the largest group of whales in the baleen whale and this is the 3rd largest whale, weighing about 20-25 tons, they are 13.6-16m long and they live for 65-67 years, which is really good for the 3rd largest rorqual but since it is so massive the life span is decreasing because the whale is being affected by the environment around it. The whalers have actually made the whales growth smaller because the pollution constantly affecting their area and that’s why the forth coming babies are also affected by this.

We do need this big mammal, some want them for their tests like the Japanese scientific labs, some want them for our diet in a better way hunting and some want to not really preserve it as if it was a close to getting extinct but try to preserve it in numbers so let the whales grow for about 2-3 years or 1-2 years and then you could do some of those options like hunting in really small numbers.

It is ...

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...because the global warming situation is going to affect our human population, if we don’t think about this than this can go on forever due to the industrialization which gives out tons of hazardous gases and waste, if we want the benefit then we got to be conscious on processes of industrialization which will affect the environment in a more better percentage. This challenge is really hard but the main point is that we have always thought about our human lives and each action we take takes 15-25 years which is a long time for us to take a small step, what I think is that we should try thinking about more ways to send our waste to the space or try using different techniques to not corrode or destroy our mother earth, this would help the other beings such as reptiles and mammals and even fish to sustain their problems, since we have just thought about our human lives.

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