Segregation and Disenfranchisement of African Americans from 1875-1990

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During the Reconstruction Period, many Southern states passed laws that productively disenfranchised African Americans. The Civil Rights Acts of 1875 should have protected blacks against discrimination in public places when Reconstruction ended in 1877. Segregation lived throughout the South. The Democrats wanted to stop the blacks from voting so they could take away all the rights blacks had achieved. African Americans were so furious because all of their hard work was crumbling right before their eyes. There were many laws passed to keep African Americans separated from the public such as the Jim Crow Laws. They also imposed a poll tax, a literacy test, proof of residency, and other requirements for voting. They knew this would have a huge effect on African Americans because they could not afford to pay the poll tax, and it was illegal to teach African Americans so most of them were illiterate. Everyone started to see what the lawmakers were doing and how far they were willing to go to disfranchise black voters. Many Northern legislatures were enraged with how the South was taking ...

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