Segmentation And Enrolment Process: The Process Of Enrollment

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III. PROPOSED WORK Enrollment process: The process of enrollment includes the collection and processing of eye and signature image. The enrolled image is needed to be processed. Segmentation, normalization and feature extraction are used for processing the images. Segmentation is the process of extraction of iris from eye image. Normalization of the iris region is done by using minimax normalization and then the feature extraction is done with the help of Gabor filter. The process of enrollment is shown in Fig.3. The processed iris image is embedded with the signature then two shares are generated from that embedded image using visual cryptographic scheme. Then one share is stored in the database and the other one is stored in the user …show more content…

3 Working process of proposed work A. SEGMENTATION 1. To detect the circle object Where (a, b) is the centre of the circle, and r is the radius. If a point in the (x, y) is fixed, then the parameters can be found according to (1). 2. The operator finds the maximum pixel intensity value change (J) by searching the image within the defined radius parameters with a circular integral centred on the point (x0, y0), with radius r of the radial derivate of the original image blurred with a Gaussian kernel G. 3. J, in this case corresponds to the iris-sclera (white) boundary. The pixel intensity change is so great between those regions. 4. The pupil boundary is then found within the iris-sclera boundary. The pupil boundary corresponds to the second largest value of J. 5. Eyelid Removal a) An edge map of the image is created using canny edge detection. b) A line is fitted to both eyelids using the Linear Hough Transform. c) Another line is drawn to bisect the first line at the iris edge closest to the pupil. 6. Eyelashes are removed by thresholding since they are usually darker than the eyes. All values less than the threshold value were set to N. 7. The signature is segmented

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