Sea Burial Poem

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Sea Burial
The sea was calm, quiet and dark. A full moon hung low on the horizon as it had for the last six nights. Rose heard the laments, she had sailed the oceans around Toxus long enough to know that seas like this signifies misfortune. She stood on the BlackPearl’s foredeck, adjusted her spyglass on the far sides of the ocean, searching for anything she could use to identify their location. “Nothing but sea,” she said to the night. “No signs of land and no stars I could use to recognize our place. No wind for us to sail. We have rowed for days, land never comes no matter which way we turn.”

She rubbed the heels of her palms against her face. Thirsty, hungry, her stomach started growling for food and water. The constant darkness had made it hard to accurately measure the time. The BlakcPearl isn’t even her ship. She’d been the first mate until a …show more content…

“I am Arthous, and I bring you the best blessing.”

“Keep your blessing,” said Rose, pulling the trigger, her pistol fired and spark exploded from the barrel. The shot pierced the monstrous wraith, but passed through it without affecting harm.

“Mortals..,” said Arthous, shaking his helmeted head. “You always feared what you do not know and would reject from a gift that is freely offered.”

The monstrous Arthous came closer, and the dark aura of his staff covered the ship’s deck in mist. Rose raced away from the wraith as her crew fell before the mist, their souls coming out like steam from their bodies. Then her heel caught one of the laid out hammocks and tripped, falling backwards onto her barrels of rum. She pushed herself away from Arthous.

Her mates were all moving, struggling like fresh-caught fish gasping for air. Mist rose from rough stitches the ship’s sailmaker had used to sew. Faces moved in the mist, faces she had sailed with for years, men and women she had fought beside with in all times. The wraith stood over her and her dead mate souls erected beside

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