Scoopolamine Research Paper

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The article I read about was on a drug called Scopolamine. Carlos Moreno and Alfredo Ardila provide insightful information about this drug in their article Scopolamine Intoxication as a Model of Transient Global Amnesia. This particular drug’s roots are from Colombia and is extracted from the plants of Datura or Brugmansia Genus. Scopolamine became such a phenomenon giving it the name of global amnesia. While this drug may give the certain individual amnesia, it does not alter the consumers personal identity and they can still perform daily activities. Certain effects that can result from intoxication can be fatigue, emotional distress, pain, anxiety and others. These effects have been known for many years and although these plants are native to South America, it has been cultivated around the world. …show more content…

Scopolamine has been mixed with tranquilizers like benzodiazepines and phenothiazines. It is an anticholinergic drug meaning it blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and peripheral of the nervous system. It can easily cross the blood-brain barrier which allows for its easy access to the nervous system. Once the Scopolamine has been injected it quickly is absorbed in the digestive truck but is quickly excreted through urine in 12 hours. Since the body quickly gets rid of Scopolamine, it is really hard to get positive toxicologic analyses. By the time someone has realized that they have been intoxicated and have gone to the hospital, the analyses would be

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