School Lunches In Middle School Essay

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Walking to the cafeteria is like walking, or running, in a marathon. If I could make a significant change to the structure or appearance to my school, I would add a cafeteria hallway for the middle school. First, students and staff members would not have to walk as far to eat lunch. Most staff and students have to walk down the stairs just to go get their lunches. Second, staff members and students would have much longer lunches. Some schools have longer lunches, like the high school. Last, the middle school and the high school would be separated from each other. Most schools are not together like we are. As can be seen, I would definitely change is I would add a cafeteria hallway. First of all, the students and most of the staff members have to walk pretty far to eat lunch. One reason is the middle school cafeteria is on the high school side in the school building, so the cafeteria hallway would be in the middle school. A second reason is the students that have ISS do not have to walk all the way to the high school just to get their food and walk back to the ISS room. A final reason is the cafeteria hallway would be closer to more staff members, so if a student gets signed out of school they do not have to walk that far to go to the front desk. After all, all of the students and staff members would not have to walk far just to eat their lunches. …show more content…

One way is all of the students and staff at the end of the line gets to eat more and longer than they do now, and it does not help the kids who eat slowly in the first place. Another way is it will not take long to get to the cafeteria, so everyone, students and staff members, gets to eat lunch. A final way is there will be much shorter lines because there will be more lines and more places to sit down and eat. All in all, staff members and students would have much longer lunches due to the cafeteria

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