Lockers Changes

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If there was one thing i could change about my school, Ridgeview middle, it would be the lockers due to the fact that there are a many of things wrong with them, in my opinion. The time we spend at our lockers is time wasted for class. First, lockers are a difficult thing for many people to understand especially for people are not from around here. Second, the time of wait is horrible for both top and bottom locker owners. Last, decorations are a detraction and a pain to most. As can be seen, I think that the lockers could use a big change. First of all, the difficulty to understand and remember a combination. Who could possibly remember a combination, balance a schedule full of school work, take care of a brother who is in bad condition from a bad car wreak, not me. The lock on the lockers are wired and difficult for some, but security is important I understand that. All in all, lockers could use an improvement, in my opinion. Second of all, the time, I must say, is awful we do not get enough time in between classes to get into class on time. Teachers say that we need a different binder for each class I do not see why but it is understandable that is why we need more time at our lockers. I believe that having a full sized locker that would help cut down on tardiness. After all, the lockers size could use an upgrade I am sure many others …show more content…

Glitter, lights, and “falling” diamond waterfalls are just some of the options and problems. Glitter can fall out and get all over people and also ruin important papers. Lights could malfunction or mess up and start fires or singe papers. The “falling” diamond waterfalls cause people to take longer getting their stuff than consequently causing both them and the person above or below them to be late to class. As I have stated, the lockers need to be improved if people want to decorate

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