School Lunch Narrative

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Extra, Extra

Walking into the school cafeteria is no different day after day. I would wait in the only line available and notice the same people skipping the line each time. I always felt the need to say something but being a shy 8 year old, I kept to myself. As I waited, I always thought about how much happier I would be if my mother actually had time to pack my lunch everyday. Not that there was anything wrong with school lunch. Well, except that one time when I threw up the Mexican pizza. Anyway, as I walked through the line, I remembered what day it was. Friday was the most sought out day when it came to school lunch. No, it wasn't because of the pepperoni pizza or cheeseburgers being served. It was the day we were able to get an order of extra fries. Never was there a Friday morning when I didn't ask my mother for a dollar to get those babies. …show more content…

I forgot that my best friend was absent for the third day in a row. I ignored the teasing I got for wearing red shoes with my favorite blue overalls and a mini Cosby sweater. Whether it was rainy or super sunny out, I didn't care. At that moment, nothing was an issue.

Of course, good things never last. After lunch, the good feeling slowly went away. It was time for recess but nothing exciting was happening so off to the swings I went. Standing next to the only available swing was Theodore, the fourth grade bully. I figured if I didn't make any eye contact, there would be no problems. Boy, was I wrong.

“Hey, these are mine!”, he said standing in the way. Looking down, I ignored him and walked around to get on the swing. I started swinging slowly with no hopes of going too high. I noticed Theo walking behind me but didn't understand

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