Schizophrenia Cause And Effect Essay

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Schizophrenia is not an easy disease to pinpoint exactly what and why side effects occur, or even what causes the disease to begin with. In many situations people start to lose sanity and aren't fully aware of the decisions they’re making. Along with many other things that have been associated with the illness, schizophrenia causes mental and emotional impairment. Schizophrenia has been studied and researched, but even with the many people and scenarios looked into, we still don't have the illness completely figured out. Medical research has been made in this area, where the patient undergoes an immense psychological trauma, and the person loses him or herself mentally. Their decision making capabilities gets clouded by thoughts or memories …show more content…

Some of the complications such as suicide, depression, and many other things are just a few of the many things going on. This can all just be something neurological the person is experiencing, but that alone plays a huge role in the complication the person may experience. Because we can't see what the person really thinks or know what the person is discerning in their own way, it doesn't allow us to force the causes or reasoning behind their actions. Self-harm is a major complication victims do experience. The self-harm people experiment only is it physical but also emotional. Such as when the person isolates him or herself from the world. This is actually where it gets dangerous for the wellbeing of the person and anyone that could be around. Isolation allows the person to get lost in their thoughts. That could potentially bring emotional instability as stated previously, but also alcohol, substance, and physical abuse. This stage is also when the person tends to become addicted to those things. Because the instability it could also affect their financial situation and bring them as low as bankruptcy. And at this point this would just be another reason why the person loses themselves emotionally that could even lead to

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